The library in accessible and inclusive mediation

breaking barriers, opening doors to the world


  • Izete Malaquias da Silva Senac São Paulo
  • Lilian Alessandra Vicente Lucas Senac São Paulo
  • Fernanda Simões Vieira Senac São Paulo


Senac São Paulo library, mediation, accessibility, inclusion, diversity, equity


The article aims to share experiences from the
search for participatory mediation. This process
involves attention to the mediation’s need
for expansion with actions in the most varied
formats and languages possible, thinking about
accessibility for all, in various aspects and in
formation with its audience. To reach these results,
we present some of our guiding activities, such
as the importance of knowing the audience that
is already part of our school community, their
reading practices and the lack of them. And also
understand our role in bringing new readers closer,
understanding their specificities and the barriers
that made them never or little come to enjoy the
various readings and experiences promoted and
shared in the library space.


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How to Cite

SILVA, I. M. da; LUCAS, L. A. V. .; VIEIRA, F. S. . The library in accessible and inclusive mediation: breaking barriers, opening doors to the world. Senac.DOC: revista de informação e conhecimento, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 27–36, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 may. 2024.




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